Monday, April 4, 2011

So Stressful!

So, once again, today I tried to do my cardio workout, but I just couldn't make it through. I know I've mentioned before my Erlos Dahnlos Sydrome which affects the cartilage in my joints. I've noticed that every time I go to work out, my joints hurt worse and worse! The different machines at the gym hurt whichever joint is moving the machine, and when I do the recumbent bike, my knees hurt (they're my worst joints). So, we have scheduled an appointment with my orthopedist. I've been to him before because when I was younger, my back would hurt a lot. We went to him and he gave me x-rays and found that I had scoliosis, kyphosis, and spondelolisthesis. (I know those words probably don't make any sense...) Luckily, I've grown out of my scoliosis and kyphosis but, he says that I won't grow out of my spondelolisthesis (two of my lower vertebrae are misaligned, but it isn't too bad). Anyway, we're gonna go to him and see what we should do. My dad mentioned actually going to see Dr. Levine in Texas, but I'm not sure what's going to happen. I'm stressed that I won't be able to complete my workout program because of my Erlos Dahnlos....And if my doctor tells me I can't, I don't know what I'm going to do....Sorry, I just had to give a little bit of a rant there...

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*DISCLAIMER* This blog should not be used as a diagnosis or a treatment plan. If you have POTS or think you may have POTS, consult your doctor about what you should do. This blog is only for the purpose of giving some information and support for people with POTS and to document my progress in the exercise program.